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Friday, August 8, 2014

Semper Tri. Or Semper Survive.

Me (right) and my crazy girlfriends!  Love this photo. (cred. Deb Hellman)

I scanned through the Semper Tri Triathlon results, disgusted at how many of the older people smoked me in the swim or bike or run portion of the race....or all three.  I know comparing myself to everyone else is pointless, and I should just be proud of myself for doing a triathlon at all, but alas, old habits die really, really, really hard.  That said, I am proud of myself for doing it, for finishing it, and even for just setting the goal and believing that I could.  And frankly, I didn't train that hard for it, so what was I expecting??

What did I learn from it? Lots.

I learned that:

-I still have a terrible procrastination problem.
-I shouldn't underestimate the 60+ year old woman carrying 30 extra pounds and wearing a leg brace....She must have smoked me in the swim because I didn't see her again until half way through the run when I finally passed her...finally....
-I need to actually train if I want to do better than 75% of the women in the 60-69 age bracket (I'm do the math....)
-good girlfriends will always jump in and do something crazy with you.  THESE are the Real Housewives of Pacific Beach, baby!
-friendship is everything.
-I can do way more than I give myself credit for.
-a drill sergeant yelling at you to sprint the last part of the race when think you are giving it all you got, actually works, and I did push a little harder.
-my bucket list seems to be getting longer, not shorter.
-I am an athlete.  If I pushed myself, I could do really well.
-I want to be more disciplined.
-you can run even when your legs feel like noodles.
Nothing like having to write your age on your leg!
-it was important for me for my husband to be there, even though I said it was no big deal if he didn't come.  I lied.  It was a big deal, and he made the effort and it meant a lot to me.
-swimming is hard and an open ocean swim is freaking harder!  But the best part about doing one in a triathlon is that there are lots of other juicy options out there for the sharks when you aren't the only one swimming.  Unless you swim too slowly and get left behind.....
-I have an amazing life.  I have a healthy, strong body, even if it isn't in the best shape right now.  I live in a beautiful place and I have wonderful people around me every day to support me and walk these crazy roads together.

Half marathon, you're next!  Who's with me??

(This was a sprint triathlon on Camp Pendleton: 500 yard ocean swim; 18 mile bike ride, 5K run)

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